Maximising Solar Self-Consumption

1. Introduction

In order to maximise solar self-consumption, it is important to understand how your solar PV system works and the different components involved. Solar PV systems are made up of three main parts: the panels, inverter and monitoring system. The panels collect sunlight and convert it into electrical energy, which is then stored in batteries. The inverter changes the DC electricity from the batteries into AC electricity, which can be used to power household appliances. The monitoring system tracks the performance of the system and displays information on a screen or smartphone app.

2. Solar PV systems and self-consumption

Solar PV systems can be used to either reduce your reliance on the grid or to maximise self-consumption. If you are aiming to reduce your reliance on the grid, you will need a system that is large enough to meet your energy needs and has batteries to store excess electricity for use at night or during power outages. If you are aiming to maximise self-consumption, you will need to ensure that your system is sized correctly and that you have a good understanding of your energy usage.

3. Sizing your system

When sizing your system, it is important to consider your energy needs and how much sunlight your property receives. If you are aiming to maximise self-consumption, you will need a system that is large enough to meet your daytime energy needs. In order to size your system, you will need to know your:

• Daily energy consumption (in kWh)

• Solar PV system efficiency (in %)

• Average daily sunlight hours

4. Monitoring your system

In order to monitor your system and maximise self-consumption, you will need to install a monitoring system. Monitoring systems can be used to track the performance of your system and display information on a screen or smartphone app. The information displayed on the monitoring system will include:

• Solar PV system output (in kW)

• Battery charge level (in %)

• House energy consumption (in kWh)

Solar PV systems can be used to either reduce your reliance on the grid or to maximise self-consumption. If you are aiming to maximise self-consumption, you will need to ensure that your system is sized correctly and that you have a good understanding of your energy usage. Monitoring systems are an important part of maximising self-consumption, as they can be used to track the performance of your system and display information on a screen or smartphone app.

Here at TotalsolarSolutions, we are committed to helping homeowners and businesses make the switch to solar energy. We believe that everyone should have access to affordable, renewable energy, and our team is dedicated to making that a reality. If you’re interested in learning more about how solar self-consumption can benefit you, contact us today for solar panels Melbourne. We would be happy to discuss your options and help you get started on making the switch to solar!