Managed Print Services

Top Security Concerns in Printing and How Managed Print Services Address Them

In today’s digital world, businesses focus heavily on cybersecurity to protect their data from online threats. However, one area that often gets overlooked is printing. With printers now functioning as multifunction devices—capable of printing, scanning, copying, and storing data—these devices can be a significant point of vulnerability. Printing systems can become entry points for hackers, leading to data breaches and compromised sensitive information.

Managed Print Services (MPS) have emerged as a solution to address these concerns by offering a more secure, efficient, and cost-effective way to manage a company’s printing needs. In this article, we’ll explore the top security concerns in printing and how MPS can mitigate these risks.

The Rising Importance of Print Security

As organizations generate and handle vast amounts of sensitive data, protecting this information becomes increasingly critical. Whether it’s employee information, financial records, or intellectual property, any data breach can result in severe consequences such as financial loss, reputational damage, and legal repercussions. Unfortunately, print devices are often left unsecured, creating an opportunity for hackers to exploit.

Here are some of the most pressing security concerns in printing environments today:

1. Unsecured Print Jobs

One of the biggest security risks arises from unsecured print jobs. Employees often send documents to a printer, only to forget about them or take too long to retrieve them. During this time, sensitive documents can be easily accessed by unauthorized personnel.

2. Data Storage Vulnerabilities

Modern printers come equipped with internal storage to temporarily or permanently save data. When not properly managed, this data can be accessed by cybercriminals, especially if the devices are not encrypted or have outdated firmware. In addition, when printers are decommissioned or sold, sensitive data can still be present on their hard drives, posing a security risk.

3. Unauthorized Access to Network Printers

Networked printers are often part of a company’s broader IT infrastructure, making them potential entry points for cyberattacks. If these devices are not secured with passwords or if default passwords are used, hackers can infiltrate the system and access sensitive information, alter print jobs, or use the printer as a means to infect the entire network with malware.

4. Lack of User Authentication

Without user authentication, anyone in the organization can use the printer, potentially gaining access to restricted or confidential documents. This poses a significant risk, particularly in large organizations with multiple departments handling sensitive data.

5. Compliance Risks

Organizations are required to comply with data privacy regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or Australia’s Privacy Act 1988. Failure to secure print environments can result in non-compliance, leading to hefty fines and legal complications.

6. Document Management Issues

In an unmanaged print environment, it’s difficult to track who is printing what, when, and where. This lack of visibility and control can result in misuse, waste, and potential data leaks, as documents may be printed and distributed without proper oversight.

How Managed Print Services Address Security Concerns

Managed Print Services (MPS) offer businesses a comprehensive approach to managing their print environments. By leveraging MPS, companies can implement security best practices that minimize risk and enhance efficiency. Here’s how MPS can address key security concerns:

1. Secure Print Release

MPS providers offer secure print release functionality, which ensures that print jobs are only released when the authorized user is physically present at the printer. This feature requires users to authenticate themselves at the device, either by entering a PIN or swiping an ID card, before the document is printed. This prevents sensitive documents from sitting on the printer tray and being picked up by the wrong person.

2. Data Encryption and Hard Drive Security

To protect the sensitive data stored on printer hard drives, MPS providers use advanced encryption protocols. This ensures that even if the data is accessed, it cannot be read by unauthorized individuals. Additionally, MPS providers ensure that when a printer reaches the end of its lifecycle, the hard drive is properly wiped or destroyed to prevent any residual data from being retrieved.

3. Network Security Integration

MPS providers work to integrate printers securely into the company’s network. This includes changing default passwords, implementing firewalls, and using network segmentation to isolate printers from the rest of the IT infrastructure. Furthermore, regular firmware updates are applied to fix vulnerabilities and keep devices secure.

4. User Authentication and Access Control

MPS can implement strict user authentication protocols to ensure that only authorized individuals can access specific printing features. By integrating with the organization’s existing identity management system, MPS can control access to printing based on the user’s role or department. This helps prevent unauthorized access to confidential documents and ensures compliance with data security policies.

5. Compliance with Data Privacy Regulations

Managed Print Services ensure that print environments comply with data privacy regulations by implementing comprehensive security measures. This includes secure document management, data encryption, and audit trails, all of which help organizations avoid compliance violations and potential fines.

6. Print Monitoring and Auditing

MPS provides visibility into printing activity across the organization. By tracking print usage, companies can identify security breaches, pinpoint wasteful printing practices, and hold employees accountable for their print behavior. Detailed reports and audit trails also provide an extra layer of security by allowing businesses to track who printed what and when.

7. Automatic Firmware Updates

One of the challenges in maintaining secure print environments is keeping devices up to date with the latest security patches. MPS providers offer automated firmware updates, ensuring that printers are always protected against the latest security vulnerabilities. This proactive approach reduces the risk of exploitation by cybercriminals who often target outdated systems.

8. Cost Efficiency and Resource Management

While the primary focus of MPS is on improving security, the service also delivers cost savings by reducing paper waste, streamlining print processes, and optimizing the use of printer resources. By centralizing control and monitoring, MPS helps businesses reduce the risk of security breaches while simultaneously cutting unnecessary printing costs.

Also Read: Cost Savings with Managed Print Services: A Comprehensive Guide


As businesses continue to prioritize cybersecurity, it’s crucial not to overlook the security risks posed by printing environments. Networked printers and multifunction devices are an integral part of the office but can also serve as entry points for hackers if not properly secured. With threats ranging from unsecured print jobs to unauthorized network access, organizations must take a proactive approach to secure their print environments.

Managed Print Services (MPS) offer a comprehensive solution to address these security challenges. By providing secure print release, data encryption, user authentication, and regular firmware updates, MPS helps businesses mitigate the risks associated with printing. Additionally, MPS ensures compliance with data privacy regulations while improving overall efficiency and reducing printing costs.

For Melbourne businesses looking to enhance their print security and safeguard sensitive information, adopting Managed Print Services is an essential step toward a more secure and efficient print environment.

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